Michigan has waves that are much larger however they have more distance between the peak and trough of each wave. This gives the boat time to ride up and down the waves.
Smaller instate lakes can get rough to the point where the peak of the wave falls over causing a white area on the top or cap of the wave. These whitecaps are close together. The length of the typical cruiser is such that the wave is shorter then the length of the boat.
Then you have Lake Winnebago. When it gets rough the hull of the boat will come over the peak of the wave then in the air the boats hull falls until it reaches the trough of the wave. The hull meeting the trough is done with a bang and you know you hit.
This pounding is hard on the boat and uncomfortable for the passengers.
If you find yourself in a similar situation try lowering the outdrive then pres one trim tab in the ‘bow down’ method until you get a reasonable amount of pitch to one side (don’t go to the maximum) then press the other trim tab to level or balance the boat. Then throttle back a bit.
This should drive your bow hard down.
Driving your bow hard down allows you to lower your speed to 20 or 21 MPH and still not fall off plane. Also your bow gets pushed down hard on the crest of the waves so you don’t get that fast freefall followed by that hard bang as your hull falls through the air and into the hole or trough between the waves.
Your boat will still go up and down but the hard bang is replaced by more of a whoosh due to the reduction or elimination of the freefalling hull and reduced velocity when the hull meets the trough of the wave.
Your speed will vary. As you cross larger waves your speed will drop then rise as you cross areas with smaller waves.
You may need to make fine throttle adjustments until you find a balance between going too fast, causing the banging hull and going to slow causing you to loose your plane. Your goal is to hold plane at the slowest possible speed and keep the bow hard down into the waves.
Once I get the boat set I do not touch the throttle. We still fall into the troughs but it’s much more gentle.
Give this a try and let us know your results.
The above information was prepared by Lisa at Presentation Rentals a audiovisual equipment rental company in Appleton Wisconsin that offers LCD projector PA public address sound system and accessories. Visit them on the web at http://www.presentationrentals.net
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #2A, Skipper Buds, Oshkosh, WI