Friday, May 30, 2008

Lower Fox River navigation maps

Photo of Appleton WI lock curtsy of

With the reopening of the Fox River locks Bob Stark, Chairman for the FOX RIVER NAVIGATIONAL SYSTEM AUTHORITY provided me with the below maps.

One note that is important: This is a version of the chart that shows the Aids to Navigation (buoys) as they were before the locks closed.

Those buoys do not exist today below/down river from Appleton Lock #1.

There is an effort underway to get the Goast Guard to return to the river to set the buoys as the did before the locks closed. Anyone interested in getting the Coast Guard to return should contact the Coast Guard and their legislator (Sen Kohl, Cong. Petri/Kagen) with that opinion.

Appleton navigational map
Little Lake Butte des Morts navigational map
Kimberly navigational map
Menasha navigational map
Note: Adobe Reader, available for free from Adobe, allows you to view, navigate, and print PDF files across all major computing platforms. If you do not have Adobe Reader you can Download free Adobe Reader from Adobe's web site

For lock operating hours please click 2008 Fox River lock schedule

1008 Augustine Street
Kaukauna, WI 54130
Tele. 920-759-9833
Fax: 920-759-9834
Robert J. Stark, Chairman
David Williams, Chief of Staff
Harlan Kiesow, CEO
Fox River Navigational System Authority

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