I have started a whiteboard for the Winnebago Rally.
A whiteboard is a web based collaborative document. Anyone with the password can edit the document. Incase someone does damage to the document, like if someone accidentally or on purpose deletes it we can always revert back to a previous saved copy.
If the quality is at a level that is appropriate I plan to suggest having this information added to the www.winnebagorally.com site so when people visit the site they can get a feel for what its all about and will have answers to frequently asked questions.
To help with this effort, please visit….
Web address: http://123.writeboard.com/f3b12dd7b38792030/login
You’ll also need this password: winnebagorally
This doesn't require you to create an account. Just use the URL and password displayed above and you're in.
I invite you to try it.
What do you think about this? Good? Bad?
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Wisconsin Boating – Lake Winnebago – Streich's beach
Streich's, is a sand bottomed shallow protected area on Lake Winnebago’s west shoreline about 4 miles south of where the Fox river enterers the lake in Oshkosh. Because of the natural protection from the curvature of the shoreline this area is normally calm even when the lake is rough with whitecaps and strong south west summer winds are blowing.
Photo of Streich’s on Lake Winnebago’s west shoreline.
Photo courtesy of WiParty.com

Our family gets to Streich’s often during the summer weekends and we find it to be a nice family friendly area for anchoring and playing in the water or just standing around enjoying the company of friends’ old and new.
I’ve seen it spelled Streich's, Stretchs, Striech’s, Stretches, Streichs, Strieches or Strietches at various internet forums or websites but it does not really matter how you spell it because this popular Lake Winnebago spot does not appear on any regular map or GPS/Chartplotter chart that I have seen.
I made the below map so if you are in the area West of Oshkosh and would like to give it a try here you go.
Map of Streich’s 4 miles south of Oshkosh along the west shoreline of Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin.

On a clear summer day this spot is easy to find. When you come out of the Fox River in Oshkosh go out about a half mile from shore and head straight south. As you look south you will see a white area along the shoreline. As you get close to this area you will see there is nothing white on the shore, the white is from all the boat hulls gathered in one spot.
Unless you are an early bird, when you arrive there will likely already be hundreds of other boats. I recommend you come in as slow as you can and once the depth gauge reads about three feet cut the engine, trim up the lower unit on your boat as far as you can then jump in the water and walk the boat in the rest of the way. With kids and boat anchor lines in the water this is the safest method on those busy sunny warm summer weekends. If it’s not busy you don’t need to do this.
Most boaters anchor with the bow pointed out away from shore with one anchor off the bow and a second anchor off the stern so the boat does not swing in circles bumping into other boats. Also, if your anchor is in a shallow area please tie a bumper, life preserver or other floating object to the anchor so people do not stub their feet on your anchor as they walk past.
Friends often ‘raft-up’ together, tying one boat to the next. It’s not unusual to see multiple groups of a half dozen or more boats rafted together
It’s a very popular area to drop anchor and socialize, swim, play water volley ball, play catch, cook out, enjoy a beer or mixed drinks with friends or just relax. The closest road that runs parallel to this area is Streich Road however there is no public access from land in this area. There are also no restrooms.
The beach does not go to zero depth so this is not ideal for infant children. There is not a dry sand beach. There are spots of ankle deep water so if you keep a close eye on the little ones they will have a great time. The land along this shoreline is densely wooded and private so the only access is by boat. I’d also recommend keeping kids 12 and under in a life jacket during all boating activities but specifically here since the water depth goes through several shallow and deep oscillations before shore.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240 "Holiday"
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
Photo of Streich’s on Lake Winnebago’s west shoreline.
Photo courtesy of WiParty.com
Our family gets to Streich’s often during the summer weekends and we find it to be a nice family friendly area for anchoring and playing in the water or just standing around enjoying the company of friends’ old and new.
I’ve seen it spelled Streich's, Stretchs, Striech’s, Stretches, Streichs, Strieches or Strietches at various internet forums or websites but it does not really matter how you spell it because this popular Lake Winnebago spot does not appear on any regular map or GPS/Chartplotter chart that I have seen.
I made the below map so if you are in the area West of Oshkosh and would like to give it a try here you go.
Map of Streich’s 4 miles south of Oshkosh along the west shoreline of Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin.
On a clear summer day this spot is easy to find. When you come out of the Fox River in Oshkosh go out about a half mile from shore and head straight south. As you look south you will see a white area along the shoreline. As you get close to this area you will see there is nothing white on the shore, the white is from all the boat hulls gathered in one spot.
Unless you are an early bird, when you arrive there will likely already be hundreds of other boats. I recommend you come in as slow as you can and once the depth gauge reads about three feet cut the engine, trim up the lower unit on your boat as far as you can then jump in the water and walk the boat in the rest of the way. With kids and boat anchor lines in the water this is the safest method on those busy sunny warm summer weekends. If it’s not busy you don’t need to do this.
Most boaters anchor with the bow pointed out away from shore with one anchor off the bow and a second anchor off the stern so the boat does not swing in circles bumping into other boats. Also, if your anchor is in a shallow area please tie a bumper, life preserver or other floating object to the anchor so people do not stub their feet on your anchor as they walk past.
Friends often ‘raft-up’ together, tying one boat to the next. It’s not unusual to see multiple groups of a half dozen or more boats rafted together
It’s a very popular area to drop anchor and socialize, swim, play water volley ball, play catch, cook out, enjoy a beer or mixed drinks with friends or just relax. The closest road that runs parallel to this area is Streich Road however there is no public access from land in this area. There are also no restrooms.
The beach does not go to zero depth so this is not ideal for infant children. There is not a dry sand beach. There are spots of ankle deep water so if you keep a close eye on the little ones they will have a great time. The land along this shoreline is densely wooded and private so the only access is by boat. I’d also recommend keeping kids 12 and under in a life jacket during all boating activities but specifically here since the water depth goes through several shallow and deep oscillations before shore.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240 "Holiday"
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
Friday, January 06, 2006
Lake Winnebago boating forum
The people at WiParty.com have launched a Lake Winnebago boating and events forum
The site address to go directly to the forum is http://www.wiparty.com/forum/
This forum is great for discussions and information about Lake Winnebago, Appleton, Fox valley and Wolf river boating, party and events.
The more people that join the forum the more information becomes available on the forum. So go ahead on and join. It's free.
Also, if you have a website please provide a link to the forum. Here is one possible description and link you could put on your site but others would also work.
For Lake Winnebago, Appleton, Oshkosh, Fox Valley Wisconsin boating, party and event information please visit the WiParty.com forum
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
The site address to go directly to the forum is http://www.wiparty.com/forum/
This forum is great for discussions and information about Lake Winnebago, Appleton, Fox valley and Wolf river boating, party and events.
The more people that join the forum the more information becomes available on the forum. So go ahead on and join. It's free.
Also, if you have a website please provide a link to the forum. Here is one possible description and link you could put on your site but others would also work.
For Lake Winnebago, Appleton, Oshkosh, Fox Valley Wisconsin boating, party and event information please visit the WiParty.com forum
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
2006 calendar – on the water in the greater Fox Valley area
Below is a 2006 greater Fox Valley area Boating calendar.
If you have additional information, events or corrections please post below the date, event details and a link to where more information is available.
January 2006
Jaunary 14, 2006 Winnebago Rally planning meeting. Starting at 1:00 pm. Slipknot in Fremont. http://www.winnebagorally.com
January 20 thru 29 Milwaukee Boat show. For details see http://www.showspan.com/mbs/
February 2006
February 17, 18, 19 49th Annual WBAY Boat Show Veterans Memorial Arena and ShopKo Hall, across from Lambeau Field Green Bay. (this event is not on the water) For details see http://www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=28391
March 2006
March 24 (tennative date) Oshkosh Thunder Poker Run "Crack the Ice" at the Oshkosh Hilton Garden hotel. For questions, contact Mark or Amie Lee at 920.426.2145, Mark@OshkoshThunder.com (this event is not on the water) http://www.oshkoshthunder.com/
May 2006
Mid May (around the 14th) Bridges become operational in Oshkosh (4) Menasha (2) and Winneconne (1) and the railroad bridge’s in Oshkosh (1) and Menasha (1) become operational for the season. Also the Menasha lock (1) becomes operational.
May 20 Oshkosh Fishing Has No Boundaries-anglers with disabilities Contact: Dr Bob Weber 920-424-1389 Menominee Park http://www.fhnbinc.org/oshkosh.html also www.uwosh.edu/adaptedpe
June 2006
June 9, 10, 11 Walleye Weekend – Lakeside park, Fond du Lac. Festival, Fish fry, lumberjack show, music, Mercury Marine’s National Walleye Fishing Tournament
June 16, 17, 18 The Oshkosh Walleye Weekend fishing tournament. Miller's Bay - Menominee Park. Miller's Bay - Menominee Park. Jerry's Bar - 920-231-7380
June 16, 17, 18 Oshkosh Thunder Poker Run (fund raiser - The cost of the event is $400 but free to just go and watch) Go just to look and listen to the incredible speed boats. Note: New location - Park Plaza in Oshkosh http://www.oshkoshthunder.com/Special note by the author. One of the goals of this event is to provide support for the navigational buoy systems on Lake Winnebago, Butte des Mortes, and Poygan in an attempt to make the waterways safer for all boaters. They provide support for various charities as well as the Sheriff's Department Boating Division and the DNR.
TBA June Menasha Marina Coast Guard voluntary boat inspections 9-noon 920-967-5193
June 30-July 4 Oshkosh Sawdust Days Festival - Menominee Park-fireworks
July 2006
TBA (I would guess July 1,2) Communityfest - Menasha-Jefferson Park fireworks on the (date not yet set) at dusk.
July 3,4 Communityfest - Neenah, 9:15PM (lighted street Parade on the 3rd, Main Street - Neenahs Riverside Park on the 4th, venetian boat parade & fireworks on the 4th at dusk
July 4 – Winneconne – Over Lake Winneconne – fireworks at dusk
July 4 Fond du Lac concert & fireworks at Lakeside Park 7:30-dusk
July 8,9 Fremont Rive Days on the banks of the Wolf River in Fremont WI. Crafts, Food, Spirits, Ski show, fireworks. http://www.fremontwis.com/
July 24-30 EAA Air Venture EAA grounds, Oshkosh (not on the water)
August 2006
August 4, 5, 6 Winnebago Rally – Oshkosh
Boat rally open to all boaters. The main rally on Saturday August 5 starts and ends at the Pioneer Inn Marina in Oshkosh WI. Official website http://www.winnebagorally.com
August 6 Captain's Cove water volleyball tournament on the south west side of Lake Poygan. 920-582-4757
Aug TBA Fond du Lac Fishing Has No Boundaries-event for mentally and physically disabled-Lakeside Park http://www.fhnbinc.org/fonddulac.html
August TBA Duck Races held at JW Stringers on the Wolf River, about 8 miles past Fremont. 920-867-2884. Note: They close down in the off season.
August 25, 26, 27 Oshkosh EAA grounds. Ducks Unlimited. (not on the water) http://www.outdoorsbest.com/dugof/
September 2006
Sept 1-2 Oshkosh Thunderfest
Re-occurring through the summer 2006
Fremont - Webfooter’s Water Ski Show-Wednesday and Sundays - 6pm June 4-Aug 27
Oshkosh - live music held at the Leach Amphitheater on the river between the main street and railroad bridge.
Oshkosh – live music held at Fratellos restaurant on the river just west of the Oshkosh Avenue bridge.
Winneconne Waterfront Concert series.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
If you have additional information, events or corrections please post below the date, event details and a link to where more information is available.
January 2006
Jaunary 14, 2006 Winnebago Rally planning meeting. Starting at 1:00 pm. Slipknot in Fremont. http://www.winnebagorally.com
January 20 thru 29 Milwaukee Boat show. For details see http://www.showspan.com/mbs/
February 2006
February 17, 18, 19 49th Annual WBAY Boat Show Veterans Memorial Arena and ShopKo Hall, across from Lambeau Field Green Bay. (this event is not on the water) For details see http://www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=28391
March 2006
March 24 (tennative date) Oshkosh Thunder Poker Run "Crack the Ice" at the Oshkosh Hilton Garden hotel. For questions, contact Mark or Amie Lee at 920.426.2145, Mark@OshkoshThunder.com (this event is not on the water) http://www.oshkoshthunder.com/
May 2006
Mid May (around the 14th) Bridges become operational in Oshkosh (4) Menasha (2) and Winneconne (1) and the railroad bridge’s in Oshkosh (1) and Menasha (1) become operational for the season. Also the Menasha lock (1) becomes operational.
May 20 Oshkosh Fishing Has No Boundaries-anglers with disabilities Contact: Dr Bob Weber 920-424-1389 Menominee Park http://www.fhnbinc.org/oshkosh.html also www.uwosh.edu/adaptedpe
June 2006
June 9, 10, 11 Walleye Weekend – Lakeside park, Fond du Lac. Festival, Fish fry, lumberjack show, music, Mercury Marine’s National Walleye Fishing Tournament
June 16, 17, 18 The Oshkosh Walleye Weekend fishing tournament. Miller's Bay - Menominee Park. Miller's Bay - Menominee Park. Jerry's Bar - 920-231-7380
June 16, 17, 18 Oshkosh Thunder Poker Run (fund raiser - The cost of the event is $400 but free to just go and watch) Go just to look and listen to the incredible speed boats. Note: New location - Park Plaza in Oshkosh http://www.oshkoshthunder.com/Special note by the author. One of the goals of this event is to provide support for the navigational buoy systems on Lake Winnebago, Butte des Mortes, and Poygan in an attempt to make the waterways safer for all boaters. They provide support for various charities as well as the Sheriff's Department Boating Division and the DNR.
TBA June Menasha Marina Coast Guard voluntary boat inspections 9-noon 920-967-5193
June 30-July 4 Oshkosh Sawdust Days Festival - Menominee Park-fireworks
July 2006
TBA (I would guess July 1,2) Communityfest - Menasha-Jefferson Park fireworks on the (date not yet set) at dusk.
July 3,4 Communityfest - Neenah, 9:15PM (lighted street Parade on the 3rd, Main Street - Neenahs Riverside Park on the 4th, venetian boat parade & fireworks on the 4th at dusk
July 4 – Winneconne – Over Lake Winneconne – fireworks at dusk
July 4 Fond du Lac concert & fireworks at Lakeside Park 7:30-dusk
July 8,9 Fremont Rive Days on the banks of the Wolf River in Fremont WI. Crafts, Food, Spirits, Ski show, fireworks. http://www.fremontwis.com/
July 24-30 EAA Air Venture EAA grounds, Oshkosh (not on the water)
August 2006
August 4, 5, 6 Winnebago Rally – Oshkosh
Boat rally open to all boaters. The main rally on Saturday August 5 starts and ends at the Pioneer Inn Marina in Oshkosh WI. Official website http://www.winnebagorally.com
August 6 Captain's Cove water volleyball tournament on the south west side of Lake Poygan. 920-582-4757
Aug TBA Fond du Lac Fishing Has No Boundaries-event for mentally and physically disabled-Lakeside Park http://www.fhnbinc.org/fonddulac.html
August TBA Duck Races held at JW Stringers on the Wolf River, about 8 miles past Fremont. 920-867-2884. Note: They close down in the off season.
August 25, 26, 27 Oshkosh EAA grounds. Ducks Unlimited. (not on the water) http://www.outdoorsbest.com/dugof/
September 2006
Sept 1-2 Oshkosh Thunderfest
Re-occurring through the summer 2006
Fremont - Webfooter’s Water Ski Show-Wednesday and Sundays - 6pm June 4-Aug 27
Oshkosh - live music held at the Leach Amphitheater on the river between the main street and railroad bridge.
Oshkosh – live music held at Fratellos restaurant on the river just west of the Oshkosh Avenue bridge.
Winneconne Waterfront Concert series.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Boaters Safety course – online
Boaters Safety course – online
We all want to have a great yet safe time in our boating hobby, right? Many of us even intend to take a boaters safety course but with jobs, family and other commitments it’s hard to find the time. If you take the next step and look into taking a class you may find the schedule just does not fit with your schedule.
If this sounds like you then online boater’s safety is the answer.
The web address is http://www.boatingbasicsonline.com/
The course is FREE ($10 if you take the final online exam), its available 24 hours a day and covers a broad range of topics including state and federal laws and a general boating information.
Having taken this course last summer I recommend it to anyone who has not taken the traditional boaters safety class.
The course is divided into ten chapters. They take about an hour each. Each chapter has a review quiz.
The ten chapters cover topics like terminology, boat types, propulsion, registering and numbering, required and recommended equipment, trailering, maintenance, fueling, navigation rules, aids to navigation, line handling, docking, anchoring, maneuvering, water sports, personal watercraft, accidents, repairs, locks, damns, security and sailing.
The online course even adds state specific laws when applicable.
After completing the ten chapters and review quizzes you can also take a free practice exam. If you decide to take the official certified exam there is a $10 charge. If you do this and pass, send a copy of your certificate to your insurance carrier for your boat. I did this with our insurance carrier and they sent me a check for the difference between my old and new premium and it was more the cost of the exam.
The course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and recognized as acceptable to the United States Coast Guard Recreational Boating Program.
Again, the web address for this course is http://www.boatingbasicsonline.com/
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
We all want to have a great yet safe time in our boating hobby, right? Many of us even intend to take a boaters safety course but with jobs, family and other commitments it’s hard to find the time. If you take the next step and look into taking a class you may find the schedule just does not fit with your schedule.
If this sounds like you then online boater’s safety is the answer.
The web address is http://www.boatingbasicsonline.com/
The course is FREE ($10 if you take the final online exam), its available 24 hours a day and covers a broad range of topics including state and federal laws and a general boating information.
Having taken this course last summer I recommend it to anyone who has not taken the traditional boaters safety class.
The course is divided into ten chapters. They take about an hour each. Each chapter has a review quiz.
The ten chapters cover topics like terminology, boat types, propulsion, registering and numbering, required and recommended equipment, trailering, maintenance, fueling, navigation rules, aids to navigation, line handling, docking, anchoring, maneuvering, water sports, personal watercraft, accidents, repairs, locks, damns, security and sailing.
The online course even adds state specific laws when applicable.
After completing the ten chapters and review quizzes you can also take a free practice exam. If you decide to take the official certified exam there is a $10 charge. If you do this and pass, send a copy of your certificate to your insurance carrier for your boat. I did this with our insurance carrier and they sent me a check for the difference between my old and new premium and it was more the cost of the exam.
The course is approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) and recognized as acceptable to the United States Coast Guard Recreational Boating Program.
Again, the web address for this course is http://www.boatingbasicsonline.com/
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
$52 Million hotel/condo/water park/marina – the next big date January 16, 2006
I have reviewed a memo from the Oshkosh Director of Community Development about the proposed $52 Million hotel/condo/water park/marina planned for the Marion
Road/Pearl Redevelopment Area (includes part of the Mercury Marine plant 24 site) on the North side of the Fox River in Oshksoh, WI.
The “money” deadline is fast approaching. Until the money is there its all just talk.
The developer, Five Rivers Development LLC and its President Tom Doig have until January 16, 2006 to secure construction and permanent financing and equity
necessary to complete the Phase 1 project, and to provide to the City/RDA conditional
commitments for such funding.
Phase I
-condominium-hotel-marina resort complex with 312 units
-an approximate 58,764 square foot conference center
-an indoor/outdoor water feature with approximately 15,289 square feet of indoor space
-food and beverage facilities totaling approximately 16,710 square feet
-a commercial marina with approximately 100 slips
-an associated yacht club
-an approximate 100-space parking area within the main structure
-a 350-400 space surface parking area on the north side of Marion Road.
-approximately 436,356 square feet of building space in a 10 story plus structure.
I personally have been vocal that the local market size dictates the amount of resort, condominium and marina facilities that can succeed. The current Pioneer Inn marina has the capacity to provide 5 piers yet is unable to fill 4. Because of this economic reality I feel its unlikely both condominium-hotel-marina resort complex projects will go forward.
So mark January 16th on your calendar. If funding and the other terms of the agreement between Five Rives and the City of Oshkosh Redevelopment Authority are reached by this deadline you can count on the Phase I of the project going forward with a targeted opening date set for the summer of 2007. You can also likely count out the Pioneer Inn condominium-hotel-marina resort complex.
Either way we are only weeks away from gaining a better understanding on how the Oshkosh water front landscape will develop.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
Road/Pearl Redevelopment Area (includes part of the Mercury Marine plant 24 site) on the North side of the Fox River in Oshksoh, WI.
The “money” deadline is fast approaching. Until the money is there its all just talk.
The developer, Five Rivers Development LLC and its President Tom Doig have until January 16, 2006 to secure construction and permanent financing and equity
necessary to complete the Phase 1 project, and to provide to the City/RDA conditional
commitments for such funding.
Phase I
-condominium-hotel-marina resort complex with 312 units
-an approximate 58,764 square foot conference center
-an indoor/outdoor water feature with approximately 15,289 square feet of indoor space
-food and beverage facilities totaling approximately 16,710 square feet
-a commercial marina with approximately 100 slips
-an associated yacht club
-an approximate 100-space parking area within the main structure
-a 350-400 space surface parking area on the north side of Marion Road.
-approximately 436,356 square feet of building space in a 10 story plus structure.
I personally have been vocal that the local market size dictates the amount of resort, condominium and marina facilities that can succeed. The current Pioneer Inn marina has the capacity to provide 5 piers yet is unable to fill 4. Because of this economic reality I feel its unlikely both condominium-hotel-marina resort complex projects will go forward.
So mark January 16th on your calendar. If funding and the other terms of the agreement between Five Rives and the City of Oshkosh Redevelopment Authority are reached by this deadline you can count on the Phase I of the project going forward with a targeted opening date set for the summer of 2007. You can also likely count out the Pioneer Inn condominium-hotel-marina resort complex.
Either way we are only weeks away from gaining a better understanding on how the Oshkosh water front landscape will develop.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
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