If you have additional information, events or corrections please post below the date, event details and a link to where more information is available.
January 2006
Jaunary 14, 2006 Winnebago Rally planning meeting. Starting at 1:00 pm. Slipknot in Fremont. http://www.winnebagorally.com
January 20 thru 29 Milwaukee Boat show. For details see http://www.showspan.com/mbs/
February 2006
February 17, 18, 19 49th Annual WBAY Boat Show Veterans Memorial Arena and ShopKo Hall, across from Lambeau Field Green Bay. (this event is not on the water) For details see http://www.wbay.com/Global/story.asp?S=28391
March 2006
March 24 (tennative date) Oshkosh Thunder Poker Run "Crack the Ice" at the Oshkosh Hilton Garden hotel. For questions, contact Mark or Amie Lee at 920.426.2145, Mark@OshkoshThunder.com (this event is not on the water) http://www.oshkoshthunder.com/
May 2006
Mid May (around the 14th) Bridges become operational in Oshkosh (4) Menasha (2) and Winneconne (1) and the railroad bridge’s in Oshkosh (1) and Menasha (1) become operational for the season. Also the Menasha lock (1) becomes operational.
May 20 Oshkosh Fishing Has No Boundaries-anglers with disabilities Contact: Dr Bob Weber 920-424-1389 Menominee Park http://www.fhnbinc.org/oshkosh.html also www.uwosh.edu/adaptedpe
June 2006
June 9, 10, 11 Walleye Weekend – Lakeside park, Fond du Lac. Festival, Fish fry, lumberjack show, music, Mercury Marine’s National Walleye Fishing Tournament
June 16, 17, 18 The Oshkosh Walleye Weekend fishing tournament. Miller's Bay - Menominee Park. Miller's Bay - Menominee Park. Jerry's Bar - 920-231-7380
June 16, 17, 18 Oshkosh Thunder Poker Run (fund raiser - The cost of the event is $400 but free to just go and watch) Go just to look and listen to the incredible speed boats. Note: New location - Park Plaza in Oshkosh http://www.oshkoshthunder.com/Special note by the author. One of the goals of this event is to provide support for the navigational buoy systems on Lake Winnebago, Butte des Mortes, and Poygan in an attempt to make the waterways safer for all boaters. They provide support for various charities as well as the Sheriff's Department Boating Division and the DNR.
TBA June Menasha Marina Coast Guard voluntary boat inspections 9-noon 920-967-5193
June 30-July 4 Oshkosh Sawdust Days Festival - Menominee Park-fireworks
July 2006
TBA (I would guess July 1,2) Communityfest - Menasha-Jefferson Park fireworks on the (date not yet set) at dusk.
July 3,4 Communityfest - Neenah, 9:15PM (lighted street Parade on the 3rd, Main Street - Neenahs Riverside Park on the 4th, venetian boat parade & fireworks on the 4th at dusk
July 4 – Winneconne – Over Lake Winneconne – fireworks at dusk
July 4 Fond du Lac concert & fireworks at Lakeside Park 7:30-dusk
July 8,9 Fremont Rive Days on the banks of the Wolf River in Fremont WI. Crafts, Food, Spirits, Ski show, fireworks. http://www.fremontwis.com/
July 24-30 EAA Air Venture EAA grounds, Oshkosh (not on the water)
August 2006
August 4, 5, 6 Winnebago Rally – Oshkosh
Boat rally open to all boaters. The main rally on Saturday August 5 starts and ends at the Pioneer Inn Marina in Oshkosh WI. Official website http://www.winnebagorally.com
August 6 Captain's Cove water volleyball tournament on the south west side of Lake Poygan. 920-582-4757
Aug TBA Fond du Lac Fishing Has No Boundaries-event for mentally and physically disabled-Lakeside Park http://www.fhnbinc.org/fonddulac.html
August TBA Duck Races held at JW Stringers on the Wolf River, about 8 miles past Fremont. 920-867-2884. Note: They close down in the off season.
August 25, 26, 27 Oshkosh EAA grounds. Ducks Unlimited. (not on the water) http://www.outdoorsbest.com/dugof/
September 2006
Sept 1-2 Oshkosh Thunderfest
Re-occurring through the summer 2006
Fremont - Webfooter’s Water Ski Show-Wednesday and Sundays - 6pm June 4-Aug 27
Oshkosh - live music held at the Leach Amphitheater on the river between the main street and railroad bridge.
Oshkosh – live music held at Fratellos restaurant on the river just west of the Oshkosh Avenue bridge.
Winneconne Waterfront Concert series.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
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