Photo of Streich’s on Lake Winnebago’s west shoreline.
Photo courtesy of
Our family gets to Streich’s often during the summer weekends and we find it to be a nice family friendly area for anchoring and playing in the water or just standing around enjoying the company of friends’ old and new.
I’ve seen it spelled Streich's, Stretchs, Striech’s, Stretches, Streichs, Strieches or Strietches at various internet forums or websites but it does not really matter how you spell it because this popular Lake Winnebago spot does not appear on any regular map or GPS/Chartplotter chart that I have seen.
I made the below map so if you are in the area West of Oshkosh and would like to give it a try here you go.
Map of Streich’s 4 miles south of Oshkosh along the west shoreline of Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin.
On a clear summer day this spot is easy to find. When you come out of the Fox River in Oshkosh go out about a half mile from shore and head straight south. As you look south you will see a white area along the shoreline. As you get close to this area you will see there is nothing white on the shore, the white is from all the boat hulls gathered in one spot.
Unless you are an early bird, when you arrive there will likely already be hundreds of other boats. I recommend you come in as slow as you can and once the depth gauge reads about three feet cut the engine, trim up the lower unit on your boat as far as you can then jump in the water and walk the boat in the rest of the way. With kids and boat anchor lines in the water this is the safest method on those busy sunny warm summer weekends. If it’s not busy you don’t need to do this.
Most boaters anchor with the bow pointed out away from shore with one anchor off the bow and a second anchor off the stern so the boat does not swing in circles bumping into other boats. Also, if your anchor is in a shallow area please tie a bumper, life preserver or other floating object to the anchor so people do not stub their feet on your anchor as they walk past.
Friends often ‘raft-up’ together, tying one boat to the next. It’s not unusual to see multiple groups of a half dozen or more boats rafted together
It’s a very popular area to drop anchor and socialize, swim, play water volley ball, play catch, cook out, enjoy a beer or mixed drinks with friends or just relax. The closest road that runs parallel to this area is Streich Road however there is no public access from land in this area. There are also no restrooms.
The beach does not go to zero depth so this is not ideal for infant children. There is not a dry sand beach. There are spots of ankle deep water so if you keep a close eye on the little ones they will have a great time. The land along this shoreline is densely wooded and private so the only access is by boat. I’d also recommend keeping kids 12 and under in a life jacket during all boating activities but specifically here since the water depth goes through several shallow and deep oscillations before shore.
Boat - SeaRay Sundancer 240 "Holiday"
Port - Slip #309, Pioneer Marina, Oshkosh, WI
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